Likely Treasures
by: LJ Ober Do you ever get the feeling that life has a way of putting us one step further and then two steps back? Just when you think everything is lined up perfectly with a straight and clear path ahead of you, BOOM!! -a huge setback lands in front of you, pushing you a few steps backwards and making you question everything that you started. It's like our higher self or whomever from up above says. . . NOPE. . . NOT YET. . .NOT GOOD ENOUGH! . . .DO IT AGAIN! Like a Nun that slapped your hand with a ruler in catholic school. The universe knows us well. It knows what makes us tick and what we need in our life path to get us closer towards betterment. Obstacles are simply reminders in life using the contrast between the positive & negative, ups & downs, and peeks & valleys and remind us that as human beings we can experience the conflicting feelings of joy and sadness and yet prevail - IF WE STICK THROUGH IT. Its like a test from the universe, making sure we are still committed to what we set out for. Plus it wants to see just how much we can handle along the way, knowing that certain life experiences can teach us in ways that we need to move us further and in ways that we may not expect. YOU HAVE A CHOICE OF HOW TO REACT FROM SETBACKS IN A LIFE. YOU COULD DO EITHER ONE OF TWO THINGS.1.) Take the Easy Way Out:
You could quit and lose ground! Stop doing what you set out for and give up, all while pretending that what you were working on wasn't really that important to in the first place! OR CHOOSE. . . 2.) The Uncomfortable Way: Pick yourself up! Feel the pangs of hurt or embarrassment, while pushing yourself to move forward. All while having a full understanding that there may be more set backs along the way. And If that were to happen, you would handle and embrace the situation as it comes. If your choice would be the Uncomfortable Way, then. . . CONGRATULATIONS! you are someone who sees burdens as lessons. You embrace self growth and development in the face of complications. There is a tender nudge from 'something higher' than us consistently pushing us out of our comfort zone to make us better and more evolved. We have the free will to ignore it or embrace it. Set backs are the preparation that we need to make us stronger, so we can get further ahead in the next step of our journey. Take a deeper look into understanding what certain life lessons may be teaching you. Use meditation, writing in a journal or simply listening to your intuition to generate deeper insights on what it is speaking to you. It's not the obstacle that will crush you! It's the giving up and being stagnant that will! Before you give up, push forward and look deeper to see what you can learn from the a situation or life lesson . ttyl Likely Treasures
1 Comment
Nichole D.
7/26/2019 07:24:27 pm
Having gone to a private Catholic school, I can relate!! OUCH! I do not miss those rulers!! I loved this article though. It really inspired me to get off my butt and do something. I tend to end up in a zone of feeling comfortable but not being happy and instead of changing I just go with the motions, where is the fun in that? I tend to avoid trying new things because of failure. My husband told me the other day I had become boring. He was poking fun but he is right!
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THE AUTHORMy intention is to help you find the value in things once loved. Giving you insights on my own thrifting, up-cycle ventures and being a shoppe owner. Plus insider help for the start of your own successful vintage or antique booth business.